Tuesday, December 7, 2010
flooring and walls
We just went and ordered the tiles for our floors and bathroom walls. We decided against the wood since it was way too expensive.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Set Back
Well things have been put on hold a bit. Work has stopped until January and so the new move in goal is middle of March or so. We really hope that the new owners of this apartment that we are in right now do not rent it out right away. If they do, we will be homeless until the house is ready.
So please wish us luck =).
See ya next year!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Well our house now looks like it is ready for the holidays! This is the floor heating and the oustide paint job. We now have to wait til the windows are ready (they 'should' be ready at the end of this month.. we shall see), put the windows in and then turn on the heat to make sure that all is working. Then we put down the flooring =).

We are trying to decide right now if to do the floor of the entire house in that tile (posted a picture awhile ago) or to do just the kitchen and bathrooms in that and the rest of the house in bamboo flooring. Any opinions?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Well part of the house has been painted (the outside), the wall of our bedroom/closet has been put up and the under roof is almost done (insulation and small wall to block it off so we don't waste heat). The balcony has been partially repared and painted. The rest of it is staying as is since it is way to expensive to do it all.

We had a 'discussion' on if to do a gray 'frame' around the windows on the outside or not (just paint around the windows gray) and I am happy to say that we will not be doing it. It is I guess common on old homes here but I think that number one, it is ugly and number two, if it was a darker yellow (like some of the older homes), it would be one thing but since it is a faint yellow, it would not look good at all (read reason number one).
Anyways, here are the picts =)
Closet wall, on the right will be our bed and you can see the door to the closet just left of the center of the photo. The doorway on the left is the doorway of our room.
The inside of the closet
Outside wall of closet
Paint color
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The outside
The house is moving along, the insulation is up, the stone at the bottom of the door is in and they are doing the last layer of stucco on the inside walls (the part that they then pain). Then they will be putting up a fake wall thing in our bedroom for our closet area and then the plumber will be coming to lay down the floor heating.
Forgot to mention that they are also doing restoration work on the balcony =).
Sunday, October 24, 2010
No picts til next week..
Was not able to get picts this week, but.....
The tubes, wires, etc for the plumbing and electricity is in and they have put down the plaster or whatever to cover them up.
The insulation is finally here and they have started putting that up last Friday but today it is raining (I hope just for today) and so will not be able to work on that today.
Also the kitchen walls have been fixed... they were a bit too tall and so they cut them down a bit.
Good news... we will be able to get the kitchen counter top that we wanted since we will be getting a huge discount (but that is another story).
Anyways, it is all moving along fairly well and still plan on moving during Christmas holiday. For those of you that don't know however, Christmas holiday lasts til the 8th of January, so that does not mean by Christmas time.... altho I really hope that we will be in by then.
Will put up pictures next weekend.
Ciao Ciao!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
More pictures....
And here are some more photos =)
Outside wall/front of the house, 2nd floor, standing right outside of Mattia's french window.
2nd floor hallway... taken from in between our bedroom and Alice's, looking in to Mattia's.
Our bedroom. Mattia is standing in the doorway and the door next to him is where our bathroom will be.
Front door view from the stairs.
Andrea is standing at one of the windows in our bedroom. Pic taken from Alice's room.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Long time posting..
Sorry it has been awhile but things have been busy.
The support poles are out, a new wall is up (new pics of that to come soon) the ventilation pipes are in and as I write this they are putting in the window ledges. If I remember to bring my camera, I will post some pics of all of that stuff this next weekend at the latest.
Since I have no photos yet, Here is a cute video of Mattia to make up for it =)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Good stuff, bad stuff
Well the bad news is that the kitchen counter top is a no-go since it will be way too much $$$. So we have to look at some Okite (and hope that it will be affordable) or wood.

Also bad news is that the plaster of the outside of the original building is chipping off which means that we will have to redo the entire house and not just the addition. More money and more time. Oh well, I guess at least we are finding this out now instead of later on.
Good news is that the roof is up and they are putting in the ventilation tubes as I write this =). Also the window frames are in and the wall between the living room and dining room has been taken down.
Living room looking from the outside into the dining room. (does that make sense?)
Dining room looking into living room
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tiles, etc
We went floor shopping last week and found the flooring for the house as well as the mosaic wall tiles for the bathrooms. And then yesterday we went down to pick out our kitchen counter =).

I did not get the name of the tiles for the bathroom so I will have to just wait and get a pic of them when they get here which will be around November.
Anyways, the flooring is by Rex, in their Leaves collection and it is called Nickel. In the photo it is kinda dark, but it is a bit lighter than in the photo. Also since in is porcelain, designed to look like slate, no two tile is the same so that it looks natural.

*these are not pics that I took,but pics that I found elsewhere on the net.
Friday, July 23, 2010
and some more...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
new picts!
Went to the house last night just before it started to really rain so it is kinda dark but oh well.
Fotos tomorrow
DH just told me that they are building the walls up to the roof and then will be redoing the roof. We will be running by the house tonight with some friends and will take some photos =).
Oh yes, forgot to mention that we picked out our flooring the other day but have no idea when we will be putting it in since plumbing will be done in September and we still need to do electricity and the floor heating. Maybe in October/November.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Until now...
Here are some photos of what the house started off as and what has been done to it. We are enlarging an area in the front to add a living room on the ground floor and a bedroom on the first.

Things have been going fairly well so far I think with no big problems yet. We hope to be in there by the end of the year.
Yesterday (tuesday) they took down the roof and the enlargement has been done on the 2nd floor as well. I will try and get some more pics this weekend. Obviously, it chose now to start raining, so work might be slow for a day or two.
I am starting a blog of the house that we are rebuilding so that you can all see what is going on, when, etc. Also so that way I can see that yes, stuff is being done to IMPROVE the house, even when it looks worse and worse =).
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