Warning: It is 7am, my mind does not start working til somewhere around noon so I am sorry if this post does not make to much sense. Just try to follow around and enjoy this picts! =)
Went to the house yesterday and found that the main door is in, the flooring in the upstairs is finished (working on the molding thing or whatever that goes around the wall/floor) and needs to be grouted now. Also the wall that will be tiled in our bathroom is almost finished.
A lot of people will be coming this week, painter, tiler, electrician, plumber...... this is one week that I will not be asking Andrea for the exact days that so and so will be coming, what they will be doing, etc.
We also will be meeting with a gardener soon so that we can get an estimate for tearing up all of the ground so that I can re do everything. For right now we are just going to be putting down some more dirt and doing the hole thing in grass.. later on when we get the money to redo the fence and everything, we will put in an actual garden.

The stairs/flooring

Our bathroom wall and floor. The wall will be tiled all the way up but the rest of the walls will be like a cream color so will not be too dark and over all result will be nice =).

Alice's bedroom. As you can see, the molding is done in this room.

The door!!

The front of the door from a distance.