Sunday, October 24, 2010

No picts til next week..

Was not able to get picts this week, but.....
The tubes, wires, etc for the plumbing and electricity is in and they have put down the plaster or whatever to cover them up.
The insulation is finally here and they have started putting that up last Friday but today it is raining (I hope just for today) and so will not be able to work on that today.
Also the kitchen walls have been fixed... they were a bit too tall and so they cut them down a bit.

Good news... we will be able to get the kitchen counter top that we wanted since we will be getting a huge discount (but that is another story).

Anyways, it is all moving along fairly well and still plan on moving during Christmas holiday. For those of you that don't know however, Christmas holiday lasts til the 8th of January, so that does not mean by Christmas time.... altho I really hope that we will be in by then.

Will put up pictures next weekend.

Ciao Ciao!